Red Devils Fit

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Privacy Policy

  1. Why is my information needed?

The Fan Fit app requires the use of first and last names and email as a login. Therefore, at a minimum, we may require such necessary information in order to establish your account with us.

  1. What information does Fan Fit gather/track and how is it used?

PERSONAL INFORMATION: We collect personal information from users including (at minimum) first and last names, and an email address to be used as a login. We also collect the number of steps and in some cases active minutes were the user enables this. We collect data using the smartphone or a wristband where it is connected, either using Apple Health or Google Fit if the device is iPhone or Android respectively.

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active, as needed to provide you services, to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. Chat messages over 12 months old will be automatically deleted. We retain the right to delete user’s accounts for misuse of the chat feature at our discretion. If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at You can also delete your own account. We do not share, sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties except as described in this privacy policy. Information gathered at Fan Fit is done so on a voluntary basis.

Please note that any account which has been inactive for 2 years will be automatically deleted.

BUSINESS INFORMATION: Information that is collected by Fan Fit is considered confidential. We will not view Business Information except as necessary to appropriately support the service or as required by law. (Business Information includes app data, documents, files, configuration settings and any other business information stored on Fan Fit products). We will not view Business Information, except as necessary to appropriately support the service, for the purpose of anticipating, diagnosing, supporting or resolving any problems that might limit or disrupt the quality of our customers’ service experience or as required by law.

PARTNERS: In some cases we provide services or sell product lines jointly with other businesses. For these co-branded offerings in which a third party is involved in your transactions, we will sometimes share or jointly collect customer information related to those transactions with that third party. On the co-branded registration pages we will state who is collecting or receiving the information and whose privacy statement governs its use so that you will know at the time you create your account exactly how your information will be used. If you are registered with Fan Fit through a partnership and you request to opt out of receiving promotional updates we will also provide your email address to that partner so that they may also discontinue sending you messages on behalf of Fan Fit.

SESSION RECORDS: To maintain our quality of service and to assist in the analysis of product performance, we may also gather data on connection information, including the timing and size of all packets sent over the Internet during a session. The gathered information is used only to ensure the highest quality experience possible when using Fan Fit products.

SECURITY INFORMATION: Fan Fit also collects certain standard information about your computer for security and identification purposes. This information may include: IP addresses, domain names, access times, cookies and other unique identifying information of machines that have our software downloaded and installed on them. This information is used for the operation of the service, to identify and protect our customers and to control unauthorized use or abuse of our services. All information is encrypted during transmission and is stored securely within our servers.

SURVEYS: In addition to required member information, we may conduct surveys and ask users to volunteer demographic information to be used on an aggregate basis for internal research and joint research projects with outside organisations involved in product development and research. We use such information to better focus our product and personalise the scope of services offered to each individual user.

ANALYTICS: We continuously improve our websites and utilize different web analytic tools to help us do so. We are interested in how visitors use Fan Fit, what they like and dislike, and where they have problems. We use web analytic tools on our mobile applications to help gather non-personally identifiable data about download and application usage. In our use of web analytics we also collect GeoLocation and steps /movement data for the fitness part. Our tools may gather data such as what browser a person uses, what operating systems are used, what is downloaded, and what content, products and services are reviewed when visiting or registering for services at one of our websites or mobile applications. This information is used solely to assist Fan Fit in maintaining a more effective and useful website for our customers. We track aggregate traffic patterns throughout our site but we do not correlate this information with personally identifiable data about individual users. We track domain names, browser types and MIME type. Such information will not be passed to third parties without your prior consent unless where required by applicable law.

  1. With whom does Fan Fit share the information?

Ensuring your privacy is important to us. We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to third parties. Fan Fit products and services by necessity require us to provide some of your information to third parties. We may occasionally employ other companies to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include sending email, analysing data and providing marketing assistance. They have access to personal information needed only to perform their functions and may not use it for any other purpose. Furthermore, they must process the personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Also, in the event that Fan Fit or the majority of its assets are acquired, customer information will be one of the transferred assets.

You may wish to integrate Fan Fit with other third party services such as Apple Health, Google Fit, Garmin API For information on how the third party services use the information gathered when you link to them, please read their privacy policies. Specifically, by using the app, you are agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service, because the app uses the YouTube API to read in YouTube videos. You are also agreeing to the Google Policy at Through YouTube, we allow third parties to serve content like advertisements, see: .

Links to other sites: This website may contain links to other sites that are not owned or controlled by Fan Fit. Please be aware that we, Fan Fit, are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information.